REMBE®: Safety_Campus® –industrial – Flameless Explosion Venting

September 26, 2024 Powder & Bulk Solids

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The situation: Indoor plant components cannot be protected by explosion vents alone. The dusts and flames exiting the vessel pose an enormous threat both to the safety of employees and the plant itself. Secondary explosions resulting from the dust thrown up by the initial explosion are just one example. Vent ducts are often used to channel the pressure wave and flames from an explosion to an outdoor area.

The problem: This solution prevents process-optimised plant design. The longer the venting duct, the stronger the duct, and the plant itself, must be and the higher the associated costs. The reason: the greater the distance of the explosion from its source, the greater the pressure that the duct and the plant must withstand.

During flameless explosion venting, the flames are cooled rapidly and efficiently in the mesh filter of the flame absorber and extinguished immediately. No flames and no pressure wave exit the vessel. The production plant can now be designed to create the optimum process conditions. Likewise, the typical pressure wave and noise in the production hall are reduced to a barely perceptible minimum. The filter design guarantees that no burned or combustible materials are ejected. This does not only reduce the consequences of the explosion, it also provides the highest level of protection for employees.

REMBE is your specialist in the field of explosion safety and pressure relief and offers holistic safety concepts for plants of all kinds in a wide range of industries.

All products are manufactured in Germany and meet the requirements of national and international regulations.

In this video, our project engineer Tobias Erlmann explains flameless venting and familiarizes you with both how it works and how it is used in industry.


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